→ We're here to help you get the perfect smile!
3030 East Semoran Blvd. Suite 200, Apopka FL 32703
Having teeth that don’t quite align with that perfect smile can be a frustrating experience. One where you’re constantly worrying about how your smile may look. Getting out of this experience can be an even bigger headache. That’s why we are here to guide you through your tooth realignment options.
Misaligned teeth can be caused by a number of factors. Genetics, for instance, can affect things like jaw size and shape which in turn affects how much crowding occurs. Many people with small jaws find that their teeth don’t have enough space to grow, causing them to become misaligned. The opposite can also be true, where those with large jaw sizes see an increase of space between their teeth which causes the misalignment.
The way you grow up also plays a role in the alignment of teeth. For instance, losing all of your baby teeth early can cause crowding by allowing other baby teeth to shift into the area where an adult tooth should be. Excessive thumb sucking, pushing your tongue against your teeth when breathing and injuries to the mouth as a child can also cause misalignment.
No matter what the cause is, having crooked teeth is not a fun experience for most. Luckily, there are now many options to choose from for tooth realignment.
The traditional method of realigning teeth is through the use of braces. These are dental appliances that are composed of wires, brackets, and bands. The brackets are glued to the front of the tooth, connected together through wires, and secured in the mouth using bands.
This method of realignment is ideally used for the younger crowd, between the ages of 10 and 14. However, they can be used on adults when necessary.
There are a few drawbacks to this treatment option. Firstly, they are often expensive, averaging anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on the length of time needed and how many are installed. This leads to the second drawback, braces often take over a year to completely work. This means potential years of awkward flossing, brushing, and eating for the patient.
Newer technology in tooth realignment, however, combats these negatives. Invisalign revolutionized the dental world with its clear, plastic aligners. These aligners are totally clear and are put on like a retainer. Over the course of the day, they put enough pressure on the teeth to help them slowly move into a more optimal position.
With Invisalign, treatment time may also be upwards of a year, but they are able to be removed for ease of eating and brushing throughout the duration of treatment. This means no awkward flossing, and no cutting out that movie theater popcorn. Best of all, this option is often less expensive or just as expensive as traditional braces, meaning you won’t be paying more for the removal benefit.
If you’re looking to see if tooth realignment is an option for you, Apopka Smiles is here to help you reach your smile goals. Schedule an appointment by giving us a call at (407) 788-6888 or by visiting our website at Apopka Smiles | Apopka Dentist.