Dental Veneers

A woman is smiling while getting a botox injection in her face.

Veneers can hide damaged teeth

Veneers are a wonderful way to fix a number of tooth issues. Teeth that are stained or discolored, cracked, misaligned, or chipped can be covered with the thin ceramic veneers. If there are spaces or gaps between a person’s teeth, veneers can be used to cover the spaces and gaps.

Veneers are a versatile cosmetic procedure that dentists use in a variety of applications. A veneer is molded and custom fit before it is attached to a patient’s existing tooth structure.

Getting veneers will require 2 or 3 visits to your dentist. A consultation between dentist and patient will determine the shape and look of the patient’s veneer. Once a plan is in place, the teeth will be prepared, with an impression taken of the existing teeth. The impression is sent to a dental lab for fabrication.

While the veneer is being fabricated, the patient will wear a temporary veneer for 2 or 3 weeks. When the new veneer is ready, it will be bonded in place to ensure a bright, new smile for years.

If you have questions, call Apopka Smiles at 407-788-6888 for more information.

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