Digital X-Ray Technology

Patients are being helped by digital X-ray technology

Digital X-rays are giving our dentists at Apopka Smiles the opportunity to get a better look at the teeth of our patients.

Digital X-ray technology is becoming the norm throughout the dental industry because digital imagery allows a dentist to get a more precise view of decay or damage to a tooth. Once the X-ray is taken, the image is placed in a computer imaging program. Within the imaging program, there are tools that allow the dentist to zoom in on precise areas of the mouth to perform a more accurate examination.

Another plus for digital X-rays: they produce almost 80 percent less radiation than a traditional X-ray.

Ask our team at Apopka Smiles about digital X-rays by calling 407-788-6888.

A dentist is showing a patient an x-ray of their teeth.
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