Oral Cancer Screening

Be sure to ask your dentist about regular oral cancer screenings

Our team at Apopka Smiles thinks every patient should receive a screening for oral cancer at least once a year. The screenings are a critical component of our oral healthcare program and the advances in technology make it easier to spot potential cancer symptoms. Any potential cancers should be treated as quickly as possible before it becomes an irreversible problem.

Our team will use an ultraviolet light to detect any cancerous symptoms. Because cancers can’t always be detected by the naked eye, ultraviolet light is used by the dentist to detect any potential problems.

Patients can help prevent cancerous elements from growing in the mouth tissues with some basic lifestyle choices. Smoking and excessive alcohol use are two factors that can contribute to cancerous growths in the mouth. If you are a smoker or abuse alcohol, a yearly oral cancer screening should be a requirement.

Call Apopka Smiles at 407-788-6888 to schedule an appointment.

A dentist is showing a patient an x-ray of their teeth.
A woman is sitting in a dental chair while a man stands behind her.
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