Surgical Instructions


The Apopka Smiles staff wants all patients to be informed of the treatment they are receiving and comfortable with the process before any procedure begins. Patients need to be properly prepared before a procedure and are asked to inquire about aspects of a treatment if they are unclear or do not understand any instructions. The following information is meant for patients who are curious about the protocols that will be followed at Apopka Smiles. If patients want to put together a list of their own questions prior to their consultation, we will attempt to answer all of them as thoroughly as possible.

  • 01. PAIN

    As any anesthesia wears off, patients will have some level of discomfort or pain. Apopka Smiles recommends that patients begin taking a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medication as soon as the patient arrives home. Medications such as Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Aleve can be taken as directed (usually 400 mg every 4 to 6 hours). If patients are unable to take anti-inflammatory medications, Tylenol or acetaminophen can be taken as directed (usually 650 mg to 1,000 mg every 6 hours). If any pain persists, patients can take any prescribed pain medication as directed. Be careful because pain medications can cause nausea and vomiting, so follow instructions and try to eat before taking a pain medication, even if it is something as simple as Jell-O or pudding. Don't let pain become unbearable before taking some form of medication. If a patient waits too long, the pain will only become more difficult to control. Any moderate to severe pain should not last any longer than 24 to 72 hours, and will likely peak on the third day following surgery. Patients should begin to feel relief by the fourth day following surgery. If not, call the dentist.

  • 02. BLEEDING

    Minor bleeding or oozing from a surgical site is commonplace and should not be cause for concern and some bleeding may continue for as long as 24 hours. Bleeding can be eased by biting on a gauze sponge for 30 minutes, or keeping firm pressure on the surgical site. Once the oozing has been controlled, try to limit putting gauze or anything else that could cause irritation near the wound. If the site is irritated, it will lead to continued bleeding and discomfort. Biting on a moist tea bag wrapped in gauze may prevent persistent oozing. If a wound starts to bleed, carefully rinse the mouth with cold water and apply a fresh gauze sponge. Firm pressure should be applied for 15 to 30 minutes and the bleeding should stop. Should active bleeding persist, call the dentist at Apopka Smiles immediately and a member of the surgical team will get back the patient quickly.


    Rest is important. If the soft tissues can relax, healing will be expedited. That means no vigorous chewing, excessive spitting, or rinsing for the first 24 hours. Any of the aforementioned activities may cause active bleeding to begin and lead to an infection. When a patient drinks, avoid the use of a straw. The suction of a straw can dislodge the blood clot. No smoking at all. Smoking can slow healing and contribute to an infection. Patients should not worry if stitches begin to come loose. The sutures are made to dissolve in 5 to 7 days and should not require removal.

  • 04. SWELLING

    During the first 12 to 24 hours following surgery, some swelling will occur, often peaking on the third post-operative day. No visible swelling should be experienced by the fourth day. Swelling can be reduced by placing an ice pack on the affected side at 30-minute intervals during the first 48 hours after surgery. Any swelling, soreness, or stiffness in the jaw muscles can be relieved by applying a warm moist towel to the side of the face several times a day. 

  • 05. ACTIVITY

    Limited activity for all patients during the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery. Excessive exertion can cause bleeding and discomfort. Elevate your head at a 45-degree angle when you rest. Do not drive for at least 24 hours, especially if you were under anesthesia or if you're taking a prescription pain medication.

  • 06. DIET

    Consuming fluids is mandatory. Apopka Smiles suggests clear liquid beverages such as water, ginger ale, 7-Up, or Sprite during the first 24 hours. Start eating soft foods or drinking other fluids as your wound heals. Avoid all hot liquids until the anesthesia has worn off and the bleeding has stopped. Food selection is a choice, but soft, cool foods that require little chewing are best.


    Warm salt water rinses (1/4 teaspoon table salt with a small cup of water) should be used to clean the mouth and wound during the first 24 hours after surgery. Rinse the mouth three times each day for one week to keep the wound clean. Lightly brush your teeth, being careful not to irritate the site.


    Take all medications as scheduled unless the dentist advises otherwise. Patients who take blood-thinners (i.e., Coumadin) should restart those medications as directed following surgery unless there is continued bleeding.

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