Gum Disease

A diagram showing the stages of tooth decay

Patients should not delay treatment if they suspect gum disease

Gum disease is also known as periodontitis. It’s a serious infection that attacks the soft tissue around the tooth and can destroy the bone that supports the tooth if it is not treated immediately. In patients, the infection gets its start as plaque, an opaque film that forms on the teeth and hardens into tartar. As more and more tartar accumulates, the tartar becomes a host for bacteria that attacks the soft tissue at the base of the teeth.

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease and patients should treat it quickly. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis. Like most types of gum disease, the warning signs a patient is likely to experience include bleeding gums and bad breath. What many patients don’t realize is that the disease advances silently and often without pain.

If a patient begins to lose teeth, they likely have a serious gum infection. Scientific research shows that gum disease is not to be taken lightly. Studies link gum disease to other conditions including stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. Pregnant women can be affected by gum disease because the body’s entire immune system is weakened.

If you think you might have gum disease, call the Apopka Smiles office immediately at 407-788-6888 to schedule a consultation.

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